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Programm rms.exe

Das Programm berechnet Effektivwert, Gleich- und Wechselanteil, sowie positiven, negativen und absoluten Spitzenwert der angegebenen Zeitsequenzen. Die Ausgabe kann als Schalldruckpegel oder relativ zur Vollausteuerung des Files erfolgen. Mit den Parametern -o und -a kann das Ergebnis parallel zur Ausgabe am Bildschirm in ein File ausgegeben oder angeh„ngt werden.

Ausgabe des Online-Helps bei Aufruf ohne Parameter:

calculation of RMS-value of samples from file, (c) Exler Roland, May  3 1998

calculate statistics of samples:
  MIN_p=min(x), MAX_p=max(x), ABS_p=max(abs(x))
  RMS=sqrt(1/N sum(x^2), DC=1/N sum(x) and AC=sqrt(RMS^2 - DC^2)
    with N=number of samples included into calculation
  IN_FILEi ... name(s) of input-files (default: .wav)
  -oNAME ... write result to File 'NAME'
  -aNAME ... append result to File 'NAME'
  -q     ... quiet processing (output only data requested)
  -bin   ... output fullscale-related values (binary values in file)
  -npa   ... don't output pressure-related values (pascal, dB SPL)
by default, if peak-level is defined in file, output pressure-related
  values, else output relative binary fullscale-value.
specify range used for calculation:
  -sX ... start with sample X (if X<0 it's counted from eof)
  -lX ... use next X samples (if -l given, -e is ignored)
  -eX ... end with sample X (if X<0 it's counted from eof)
if start, length or end is specified uppercase (-S, -L or -E),
  given value is used as time in seconds instead of samples
